Delete "Legend of Love"(Niulang, Zhinv)
但是,自从牛郎织女结婚了以后, 织女就不再织布了.
After they were married, the fairy thougjt she did not need to weave again.
You is my sun and my moon , just like the ox man and the colth woman .
The cowboy and the weaver maiden legend probably mirrors some true and yet sad stories of love in the human world.
Tanabata night to his father to give me about overall Cowboy Weaver meet Bridge story.
Week: Legend of Love Award particular location where, a year before a meet, so that this day week.
However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue.
牛郎织女的故事感动了人间的喜鹊, 于是所有的喜鹊都赶来帮助这对夫妇.
However , all the magpies in the world , deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue.
Just in the sky ,i will shoot down the Cowherd and Girl-Weaver stars for you as the Valentine's gift with only one arrow .
Tanabata festival legend when the dew is the Legend of Love, when the tears meet, such as the wipe in the eye and in the hands of people can agile.