a gregarious swallow-like bird with dark brown and white plumage, excavating nest holes in sandy banks and cliffs near water
n. 崖沙燕
The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath.
崖沙燕(拉丁学名:Riparia riparia,英文名:Sand Martin),别名为灰沙燕,是雀形目燕科动物。 崖沙燕上体暗灰褐色,额羽具灰褐色边缘,腰及尾上覆羽略淡且饰以灰白色羽缘翅上内侧覆羽和飞羽与背同色,仅羽缘稍淡初级和次级飞羽黑褐色尾羽与背同色唯稍暗。虹膜深褐色,嘴、跗蹠(fū zhí)及趾均黑褐色。栖息于湖泊、河川的泥沙滩或附近的岩石、土崖上。中国分布于河北,山西,山东等省区。国外分布于阿尔丹、堪察加、千岛群岛等。
a gregarious swallow-like bird with dark brown and white plumage, excavating nest holes in sandy banks and cliffs near water