a solemn promise or undertaking
[with infinitive]
the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution .会议以一个限制污染的联合宣言而结束。
a promise of a donation to charity
appeals for emergency relief met with pledges totalling only $450,000,000 .紧急救援的呼吁只收到总计4.5亿美元的捐赠承诺。
she persuaded Arthur to take the pledge .她劝亚瑟宣誓戒酒。
【律】 抵押品。
a thing given as a token of love, favour, or loyalty
〈古〉 为健康祝酒;祝酒。
[with obj. and infinitive]commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise
the government pledged itself to deal with environmental problems .政府发誓要着手应对环境问题。
[with clause]formally declare or promise that something is or will be the case
the Prime Minister pledged that there would be no increase in VAT .首相保证不再会增加增值税。
[no obj., with infinitive]solemnly undertake to do something
they pledged to continue the campaign for funding .他们承诺要将筹集资金的活动进行下去。[with obj.] undertake formally to give 承诺给予,承诺提供:<Italic>Japan pledged $100 million in humanitarian aid</Italic>. 日本承诺提供一亿美元的人道主义援助。
[with obj.]
【律】 用…作抵押
the creditor to whom the land is pledged .本土地的抵押债权人。
[with obj.]
〈古〉 为健康祝酒。
pledge one's troth 见TROTH .
"Middle English (denoting a person acting as surety for another): from Old French