The live ones would have been green, but in alcohol the yellow pigment is the first to leach, giving them their present turquoise colour.
Round green emeralds were ranged in order upon thin plates of ivory, and in one corner were silk bags filled, some with turquoise-stones and others with beryls.
The word is derived from Turquoise, which is Stewart Brand's term for a new breed of environmentalist combining traditional green with a shade of blue, as in blue-sky open-minded thinking.
这个单词来自“蓝绿色(turquoise)”,是斯图尔特·布兰德(Stewart brand)为新型环保主义者创造的新词,他们如同传统的绿色中加入的一点蓝色调,象征蓝天般开放的思想。
The premise pairs imply a hierarchy—if orange is a better choice than turquoise and turquoise is preferred to green, then orange should win over green.
In the bottom image, vegetation appears bright green, snow appears bright turquoise, and fog appears as a very pale, muted blue-green.