时间: 2023-08-16 05:12:11
英 [ˈbʊdə]
美 [ˈbʊdə]


  • There is a huge Buddha statue in this temple.


  • Most of the local residents believe in the Buddha.


  • Many Buddhists have the ultimate aim of being Buddhas.


  • There is a statue of Buddha in this temple.


  • The object of great interest at the temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.


  • They knelt before the image of Buddha.


  • They knelt before the image of the Buddha.


  • The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths of a grain of rice.


  • The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice.

    中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。 这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。


Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent who founded Buddhism. He is generally seen by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammāsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: most early 20th-century historians date his lifetime from c.563 BCE to 483 BCE; more recently, however, at a specialist symposium on this question, the majority of those scholars who presented definite opinions gave dates within 20 years either side of 400 BCE for the Buddha's death, with others supporting earlier or later dates.\nGautama, also known as Śākyamuni or Shakyamuni (\sage of the Shakyas\), is the key figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collections of teachings attributed to Gautama were passed down by oral tradition, and first committed to writing about 400 years later. Early Western scholarship tended to accept the biography of the Buddha presented in the Buddhist scriptures as largely historical, but currently \scholars are increasingly reluctant to make unqualified claims about the historical facts of the Buddha's life and teachings.\


(常作the Buddha)a title given to the founder of Buddhism, Siddartha Gautama (c. 563-c. 460 BC). Born an Indian prince, he renounced wealth and family to become an ascetic, and after achieving enlightenment while meditating, taught all who came to learn from him.

佛陀(对佛教的创始人乔答摩·悉达多[公 元前约563—约460] 的尊称;他原是印度王子,放弃家产、与家人断绝关系后成为一名苦行者,通过默想达到了大彻大悟的境界后,开始向所有前来求道的人传播思想)。

[as noun a Buddha]Buddhism a person who has attained full enlightenment

【佛教】 佛。

a statue or picture of the Buddha



"Sanskrit, literally ‘enlightened', past participle of budh ‘know’."

  • The twelve hundred year old Leshan Buddha at 233 feet, four times the height of the Mount Rushmore carvings. It's the world's largest Buddhist statue.


    《China from Above》《鸟瞰中国》

  • Here you'll find the Po Lin Monastery, and one of Hong Kong's biggest attractions, the Tian Tan Buddha.


    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • To have Buddha on our side is a great ally, I know this. But as the Bible says, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

    有佛教仁慈之心是好事,我知道,但《圣经》有云"以牙还牙 以眼还眼"。

    《Marco Polo Season 1》《马可波罗 第一季》

  • This is symbolized best by the Leshan Buddha, an immense statue carved from mountain that took nearly a century to complete.


    《China from Above》《鸟瞰中国》

  • Pick up a good luck charm in the Pagoda Street Market, or find a few moments of quiet reflection at the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple.


    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • After paying your respects at the Big Buddha seek a little enlightenment along the Wisdom Path a trail dedicated to the centuries-old Buddhist scripture, the Heart Sutra.


    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • But why was this exceptionally large monument of Buddha built here?


    《China from Above》《鸟瞰中国》


low level 低水平;低级别;低层次

ladies and gentlemen 女士们,先生们

hampers n. 大篮子;礼物篮;脏衣娄;(hamper的复数)。v. 妨碍;束缚;(hamper的第三人称单数)

skewer n. 串肉棒;串肉扦。v. 用(针)别住;用扦串住;尖锐地批评

purple ink 紫色墨水;紫色的墨水;紫颜色的墨水

connection closed

eliminates vt. 淘汰;消除;排除;根除;(eliminate的第三人称单数)

near by 附近;在附近

throughout prep.&adv. 贯穿;遍及;到处;自始至终

well oiled adj. 醉的;运作顺利的