A MIDI switcher allows switching between multiple devices, and eliminates the need to physically repatch cables.
MIDI 切换器允许在多个设备之间进行切换,并且不需要物理地更换电缆。
This feature eliminates the need to switch access to the disk from one server to the other.
Can technology deliver a solution that totally eliminates waste from the physical book supply chain?
It removes the need to configure sanitizers, supports validators, and eliminates the code-refactoring requirement.
The suspended I/O functionality of DB2 UDB eliminates any partial page writes by suspending all write activities on the source database.
DB2 UDB 的暂挂 I/O 功能消除了一切写部分页的现象,因为源数据库上的所有写活动都被挂起。