[with obj.]taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full
gourmets will want to savour our game specialities. 美食家会想来品尝我们的特色野味。
〈喻〉 享受;欣赏
I wanted to savour every moment. 我要尽情享受每分每秒。
[no obj.](
具有…的意味;带有… 的痕迹(尤指不好的事)
their genuflections savoured of superstition and popery. 他们的跪拜礼带有迷信和罗马天主教味道。
a characteristic taste, flavour, or smell, especially a pleasant one
the subtle savour of wood smoke. 淡淡的木头烟熏味。
a suggestion or trace, especially of something bad
"Middle English: from Old French, from Latin