时间: 2023-08-13 18:24:29
英 [məˈʃiːnz]
美 [məˈʃiːnz]

n. 机器;机构;(machine的复数)

  • Lots of farms use machines to pick fruit.


  • It's great! The machines are all very new, and the classes are really fun.


  • So Turing wanted to prove that machines could think?


  • The machines are inspected twice daily.


  • Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.


  • The machines are kept running night and day.


  • Machines that reap and thresh in one operation.


  • The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines.



Machines\n演唱:Modestep\nWe can make you happy   With these little pills of love and care   We can see a break-in   But these pills will bring these cracks together   It's just an error on your system   Reboot and start again   Then place your back on the line   So you never do what you do best   Why do we just do what we're told to do?   They push a button, we come running through   They burned our circuits just to hide the truth   From me and you\nWhy do we just do what we're told to do?   They push a button, we come running through   They burned our circuits just to hide the truth   From me and you   Daily   We see machines repeat the same thing   But we are just the same without the safety   Just a complicated routine, a smokescreen   Daily   We see machines repeat the same thing   But we are just the same without the safety   Just a complicated routine, a smokescreen   Why do we just do what we're told to do?   They push a button, we come running through   They burned our circuits just to hide the truth   From me and you

  • But what affects humans also affects machines.



  • In the future, all the manufacturers, they make the machines, the machines can not only produce the products, the machines must talk, the machine must think.


    《Jack Ma Speech in Hannover》《马云德国汉诺威展演讲》

  • This is how all machines work, and are recycled through time. When a machine breaks down, its parts go back into the system to become parts of new machines that also evolve through time.


    《Principles for Success》《成功的原则》

  • And we know this based on the machines that are being placed.


    《TED: Genomic revolution》《TED:欢迎进入基因革命时代》

  • Oh, no, are all the machines taken? What are you gonna do?


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》

  • We individually are machines, made up of different machines. Our circulatory system, our nervous system, that produce our thoughts, our dreams, our emotions, and all the other aspects of our distinct characters.


    《Principles for Success》《成功的原则》

  • All right, fine. How are we supposed to set up machines and conveyor belts in my apartment?


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》

  • There are no factories here, no machines, and yet this heating up is caused by our own carbon emissions.


    《Planet Ocean》《海洋星球》

  • I saw that at the big bang, all the laws and forces of the universe were created and propelled forward, interacting with each other as a perpetual motion machine, in which all the bits and pieces coalesce into machines that work for a while, fall apart, and then coalesce into new machines.


    《Principles for Success》《成功的原则》

  • A programmer who knows intimately how the machines work and a machine who knows its own true nature.


    《Westworld Season 1》《西部世界 第一季》

  • Sometimes this makes us sad, because we become very attached to our machines. But if you look at it from the higher level, it's really beautiful to observe how the machine of evolution works.


    《Principles for Success》《成功的原则》

  • I haven't even packed yet, and you're already measuring my lab for one of your godless laser machines.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Alone, usually they waste away and die, unless they become like him. Fearless. Relentless. Perfect hunting machines.


    《Jupiter Ascending》《木星上行》

  • Humanity merged with machines, extinct due to climate change or asteroid impact, or inhabiting a permanent colony on Mars.



  • But this equipment. This is newer. Slower than our machines back at the Mesa, but it will render a host in a few days.


    《Westworld Season 1》《西部世界 第一季》

  • Now, you're standing in the tundra. Wind, snow, machines drilling through the ice, long pipelines stretching to the horizon. Do you see?


    《House of Cards Season 4》《纸牌屋 第四季》

  • One run on one of these machines: 200 gigabases in a week. And that 200 is going to change to 600 this summer, and there's no sign of this pace slowing.


    《TED: Genomic revolution》《TED:欢迎进入基因革命时代》

  • It is mostly marketing. But it is key for the Gorg are having machines that are stronger and better at everything. So we can never fight them with equal tude.



  • All of these different machines evolve together through time to produce the realities we encounter every day. And I realized that I was just one tiny bit in one nanosecond, deciding what I should do.


    《Principles for Success》《成功的原则》

  • There are little robots running all over the ceiling, vents on the floor filtering air to keep the place thousands of times cleaner than a hospital operating room, and there are machines everywhere, manipulating chips that are layered with circuitry that's infinitesimally small.


    《America Revealed》《透视美国》


invidious adj. 可能遭人怨恨的;会惹人愤怒的;招人嫉妒的;厚此薄彼的;不公平的;歧视的

bather n. 游泳者;游泳衣

dials v. 拨号;拨打电话;用标度(盘)测量;(dial的第三人称单数)。n. 表盘;日晷;钟面;拨号盘;刻度盘;转盘;(dial的复数)

supplicated vi. 恳请;哀求;(supplicate的过去式)

remanded v. 送回;(remand的过去分词)。n. 还押

operational definition 运作定义;操作定义

quit one's job 辞职

endorsing vt. 赞同;支持;签署;(endorse的现在分词形式)

unpredictable adj. 无法预测的;不定的;易变的;不可预言的

on the move 在变换地方, 在奔波;在前进, 在发展