an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task
a fax machine 传真机
a shredding machine .碎纸机。
[usu. with modifier]a coin-operated dispenser
a cigarette machine .自动售烟机。
〈技〉 机器,机械(装置)。
〈喻〉 机构,权力组织
his campaign illustrated the continuing strength of a powerful political machine .他的竞选活动展现了强大政治机器的持续威力。
〈喻〉 机械般工作的人
comedians are more than just laugh machines .喜剧演员远远不只是逗笑的机器。
(especially in manufacturing) make or operate on with a machine
[as adj.
machined ]a decoratively machined brass rod .经过装饰性机械加工的铜棒。
〈英〉 用缝纫机缝制,用缝纫机加工。
a washing machine 洗衣机
a time machine 时光机
aging machine 老化的机器
"mid 16th cent. (originally denoting a structure of any kind): from French, via Latin from Doric Greek