Scaling up app-group (app-group-scaleup; Listing 9).
扩展 app-group(app-group-scaleup; 清单 9)。
So if the event in Listing 9 is defined in a system whenever an event with the name system-scaleup happens, the specified handler is executed.
因此,如果在系统中定义清单9中的事件,那么在发生system - scaleup事件时,会执行指定的处理函数。
LeanServer has created for IIS 7.0 an extension called ScaleUp, solving some of the problems related to file uploading and plaguing Microsoft's web platform.
LeanServer公司创建了名为scaleup的IIS 7.0的扩展程序,它解决了与文件上传相关并且困扰微软web平台的一些问题。
Currently ScaleUp is used by MySpace to handle 25 million uploads per day, and they say they reduced the number of uploading servers after installing the IIS extension.
The secret behind ScaleUP is its use of the IIS 7.0’s native extensibility layer to completely replace the platform’s upload handling with its own high-performance preload engine.
ScaleUp的秘密在于它使用IIS 7.0的本地扩展层,用它自己的高性能的预载入引擎替换了IIS平台的上传处理程序。