a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter
〈非 正式〉 坏女人,讨厌的女人。
〈黑人英语〉 女人(无贬义)。
a person who is completely subservient to another
〈非正式〉 难办的事,令人不快的事
life's a bitch 这日子很难捱
the stove is a bitch to fix. 这炉子真难修。
〈非正式〉 怨言,牢骚
my big bitch is that there's nothing new here. 我比较不满是这里没有任何新东西。
〈非正式〉 诽谤,口出恶言
everybody was bitching about their colleagues. 人人对自己的同事都没有好言。
"Old English