时间: 2023-07-28 21:40:29

lack n.没有;缺乏

want v.想要;想做;渴望;缺乏;缺少;需要;想请教;想跟…讲话;缉拿;追捕

  • 他们缺乏消化它所必需的蛋白质。

    They lack the necessary proteins to digest it.

  • 学生通常因缺乏资源而受到责备。

    Students are usually to blame for their lack of resources.

  • 这就是动机或缺乏动机所能做的。

    This is what motivation or the lack of it can do.

  • 它过于包罗万象,因此缺乏清晰度。

    It is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity.

  • 他们缺乏解决不断恶化问题的人才。

    They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.

  • 这表明政府在决策上缺乏耐心。

    It shows governments' impatience in decision-making.

  • 它是由于缺乏自制力而产生的结果。

    It results from a lack of self-control.

  • 他们缺乏强烈的自我价值感。

    They lack a strong sense of self-worth.

  • 也不是因为缺乏可用的信息。

    Nor is it for lack of available information.

  • 缺乏诚信这个更广泛的问题依然存在。

    The wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands.


be/go short of; lack; want; be deficient/wanting/lacking (in)

  • 最后一场缺乏戏剧效果,令人失望。

    The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.

  • 由于缺乏适当的保护,这些文物都遭到了破坏。

    These cultural relics were damaged owing to a lack of proper protection.

  • 因缺乏确凿证据而判他无罪。

    He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.

  • 学生们普遍缺乏兴趣。

    There was a general lack of interest among the students.

  • 他因缺乏休息而感到疲倦。

    Lack of rest made him tired.

  • 双方之间缺乏信任。

    There is a want of confidence between the two parties.

  • 缺乏训练的部队

    undisciplined forces

  • 严重缺乏

    severe shortage/scarcity

  • 完全缺乏

    utterly lack

  • 资源缺乏

    deficiency in resources

  • 师资缺乏

    teacher shortage

  • 人员缺乏

    deficiency in personnel

  • 人才缺乏

    dearth/shortage of talents

  • 能源缺乏

    energy shortage

  • 缺乏自信

    lack self-confidence; be diffident; lack confidence in oneself

  • 缺乏资源

    be deficient in resources

  • 缺乏资金

    be short of funds; lack funds

  • 缺乏主动性

    lack initiative; be wanting in initiative

  • 缺乏知识

    want/lack knowledge; be deficient in knowledge

  • 缺乏证据

    want proof

  • 缺乏真实性

    be devoid of truth

  • 缺乏战斗力

    have poor fighting capacity

  • 缺乏远见

    want/lack foresight; be shortsighted

  • 缺乏勇气

    be lacking/deficient in courage

  • 缺乏信心

    be short of confidence; lack confidence

  • 缺乏同情心

    lack sympathy; be wanting in sympathy

  • 缺乏睡眠

    be short of sleep; lack sleep

  • 缺乏热情

    be lacking in warmth; lack enthusiasm

  • 缺乏男子气

    be a sissy

  • 缺乏了解

    lack the understanding (of)

  • 缺乏力量

    be lacking in strength

  • 缺乏理智

    be unreasonable; be devoid of reason

  • 缺乏劳动力

    be short of labour

  • 缺乏经验

    be short of experience; lack experience; be deficient in experience; be inexperienced

  • 缺乏教养

    be raised in barn; be ill-bred

  • 缺乏技巧

    be deficient in skill

  • 缺乏活力

    have no vitality; lack vitality/vigour

  • 缺乏锻炼/能力/毅力

    lack exercise/ability/perseverance

  • 缺乏蛋白质/维生素

    be deficient in protein/vitamins

  • 缺乏诚意

    lack sincerity; be in bad faith

  • 缺乏常识

    be wanting in common sense; lack common sense

  • 缺乏材料

    be short of materials; lack materials; there was a shortage of materials





灾害防治 ["disaster prevention and control"]

死亡陷阱 ["death-trap"]


海洋动物 ["marine animal"]

压缩波 ["compression/compressional wave"]

