我喜欢喜剧电影, 尤其是家庭喜剧片.
I like <em>comedy</em> <em>movie</em>s, especially family comedies.
Many people watch <em>comedy</em> <em>movie</em>s to ease their sorrows .
<em>Comedy</em> <em>movie</em>s have been successful for years, but they are one of the hardest scripts to write.
This funny movie is about a woman who is marrying for a second time.
He laid the foundation for modern comedy films and a lot of artists follow his way of performing.
Last week, Lynda Obst made a persuasive case that the economic obligations of the foreign market were strangling American film comedy.
It's being billed as a comedy but expect lots of high school relationship drama to abound in this film about the big night.
The rom-com movies always say, 'You complete me,' which isn't the healthiest of messages.
At its heart, the film is a classic oil-and-water buddy comedy but set against a unique, animals-only fantasy world where predator and prey live in harmony.
演艺生涯 :在《老友记》中饰演了人见人爱的瑞秋格林后,詹妮弗继而开始了其成功的电影生涯,目前已成为浪漫喜剧电影的当家花旦。
CAREER: Most famous for her role as Rachel Green in Friends, Jennifer has gone on to have a successful film career and is the go-to girl for romcoms.