时间: 2023-07-15 20:00:19

definite adj.明确的;确定无疑的;一定的;固定的;真正的;不含糊的;确信的;肯定的;明白的;无可否认的

exact adj.确切的;准确的;精确的;严谨的;严密的

precise adj.确切的;精确的;精密的;准确的;严格的;严谨的;一丝不苟的;正好的;恰好的

accurate adj.准确的;精确的;能精确击中目标的;真实的;逼真的;精密的;准确无误的;射中(或投中)目标的

true adj.真实的;符合实际情况的;精确的;准确的;忠实的;忠诚的;诚实的;正直的;真正的;真的

real adj.真实的;实在的;天然的;真的;真正的;完全的;十足的;绝对的;随货币价值变化而调节的;按实际购买力估计的;实际的;实的

authentic adj.可信的;真正的;正格的;真实的;地道的;可靠的;逼真的;本真性的

reliable adj.可靠的;可信任的

  • 它们是这些问题的确切答案。

    They are the exact answers to the questions.

  • 但要知道他出生的确切日期是不可能的。

    But it is impossible to know the exact day on which he was born.

  • 机器人展将在7月举行,但没人确切知道日期。

    A robot show will be held in July, but nobody knows the date for sure.

  • 不可能确切知道,因为官方统计数据太不充分了。

    It is impossible to know for sure, because official statistics are so inadequate.

  • 我们头脑中的确切的数字会影响我们生活中的一切。

    The exact numbers we think with impact everything in our lives.

  • 几个世纪以来,金字塔的确切尺寸一直困扰着专家们。

    The pyramid's exact size has puzzled experts for centuries.

  • 在食物掉落的确切位置上有一种能让你生病的微生物。

    There is a micro-organism that can make you sick on the exact spot where the food dropped.

  • 虽然没有确切的证据表明我们应该吃什么和什么时候吃。

    While there's no conclusive evidence on exactly what we should be eating and when.

  • 百事可乐公司没有确切透露计划投资多少以实现其目标。

    PepsiCo did not say exactly how much it planned to invest to reach its goals.

  • 当你偶然遇到这样的单词时,查字典来确认它们的确切发音。

    When you come across such words, check a dictionary to confirm their exact pronunciations.


definite; exact; precise; accurate

  • 他用词确切。

    He is exact in his choice of words.

  • 请告诉我你的确切年龄。

    Please give me your exact age.

  • 航班大约7点钟达到,确切地说是晚上7点过5分。

    The flight arrives at about seven―7:05 pm to be precise/exact.

  • 告诉我她的确切地址。

    Tell me exactly where she lives. / Tell me her precise address.

  • 找到确切的位置

    find the precise location (of sb/sth)

  • 下个确切的定义

    give a precise/an accurate/an exact definition; define precisely/exactly

  • 告知确切的日期

    inform sb of the exact/precise date

  • 确切的说明

    precise explanation

  • 确切的解释

    clear and unambiguous explanation

  • 确切的含义

    precise/exact/strict meaning

  • 用词确切

    precise wording


true; real; authentic; reliable

  • 确切的保证

    sure guarantee

  • 消息确切

    authentic information; reliable news



电灯 ["electric lamp/light"]


红牛 ["Red Bull","Red Bull Vatmin Drinks"]

主题鲜明 ["have a distinct theme"]

提炼油 ["refine oil","extract oil (from sth)"]


固定税 ["fixed tariff/tax"]

切换方式 ["switching mode"]