[mass noun]the action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something or as a donation
the newsletter is available only on subscription 这份时事通讯只供订阅
[count noun]
take out a one-year subscription. 订阅一年。
an arrangement by which access is granted to an online service
[count noun]an advance payment made to receive or participate in something
membership of the club is available at an annual subscription of£300.
a system in which the production of a book is wholly or partly financed by advance orders
〈正式〉 (文件末尾的)签名;附注
he signed the letter and added a subscription. 他在信的末尾签了名又加了一个附注。
〈古〉 签署的声明(或协议)。
"late Middle English (in sense 2): from Latin