〈常幽默〉 好心人(尤指护理或抚慰他人的善良妇女)。
" early 17th cent.: with biblical allusion to Mark 1∶13. "
n. 好心人
She could not see herself in the role of ministering angel.
Do you indeed, my ministering angel?
羾你真的想回去了, 我的救护天使?。
Well, yes - oh, you would intimate that her spirit has taken the post of ministering angel, and guards the fortunes of Wuthering Heights, even when her body is gone.
〈常幽默〉 好心人(尤指护理或抚慰他人的善良妇女)。
" early 17th cent.: with biblical allusion to Mark 1∶13. "