Arrive Kamloops at noon, followed by a visit to the well-known Rogers Pass. Stay in the Three Valley Lake Chateau hotel at night.
The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Kamloops.
甘露市(Kamloops)人口:98,754 (2011),位于不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)最美丽的高山公路,高贵哈拉公路(Coquihalla Highway)的北端,处于南、北汤普森河(North and South Thompson River)的交汇处。Kamloops距离温哥华约四百公里,整个城市涵盖整个南北汤姆森(Thompson)河岸,占地面积达三万公顷,百年前修筑的加拿大横贯东西两岸的铁路就是在这里完工交会。