a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for a particular purpose, typically mutual protection or cooperation
the League of Nations .国际联盟。
an agreement to combine in this way
a group of sports clubs which play each other over a period for a championship
the contest for the championship of such a league
the year we won the league .我们赢得联赛冠军的那一年。
[mass noun]short for
<Bold>RUGBY LEAGUE</Bold>的简称。
a class or category of quality or excellence
the two men were not in the same league 他们俩不是同一档次的人
Austin's in a league of his own .奥斯汀卓而不群,无人能及。
join in a league or alliance
Oscar had leagued with other construction firms .奥斯卡已经和其他建筑公司结盟。
a former measure of distance by land, usually about three miles
in league conspiring with another or others 与…勾结,与…同谋he is in league with the devil . 他与魔鬼勾结
"late Middle English (denoting a compact for mutual protection or advantage): via French from Italian