A warrant officer in the U.S. Marine corps having charge of ordnance.
A warrant officer in the U. S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance.
The U.S. Marine Corps has made it official: Oshkosh Corporation will build a new blast-proof truck for service in Afghanistan.
The U. S. Marine Corps has made it official: Oshkosh Corporation will build a new blast-proof truck for service in Afghanistan.
A town of northwest Virginia on the Potomac River south-southwest of Alexandria. A U. S. Marine Corps base was established here in 1918. Population, 621.
Justin Constantine - Justin Constantine is a recipient of the Purple Heart Medal, a Major in the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, and a Fellow with the Truman National Security Project.
She had lived abroad for years but had pleasant memories of servicein the U.S. Marine Corps.
She had lived abroad for years but had pleasant memories of servicein the U. S. Marine Corps.
美国海军陆战队(United States Marine Corps,缩写为USMC),又称美国陆战队,是美国军队中的海军陆战队及两栖作战部队,其主要职责是运用美国海军的舰队(含航空兵),快速抵达全球各危机发生地执行战斗任务,是美国快速反应部队的主要作战力量。美国海军陆战队属于美国军队中的一个独立军种,与美国海军地位平行,同属美国国防部下属的美国海军部,其英语军衔名称与陆军、空军相同。负责美国驻外使馆保安的卫兵部队亦隶属于美国海军陆战队。