educational technology
时间: 2023-10-19 17:21:08
英 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl tekˈnɒlədʒi]
美 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl tekˈnɑːlədʒi]


  • Educational technology is the theory and practice of design, development, application, management and appraisal of study resources and study process.


  • Educational technology is the theory and practice of the design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of the process and resource for learning.


  • Educational technology is a term widely used in the field of education( and other areas), but it is often used with different meanings.

    教育技术是一个在教育领域(括其他领域) 广泛使用的术语,但是它常被赋予不同的含义。

  • One is from the educational facilities, educational technology and facility improvement, improve education efficiency.


  • What is Educational Technology?


  • Machinery Cartography is a traditional techno-basic course. With the development of modern educational technology, application of multimedia and network technique immits new life to the course.


  • How to go out of the current predicament is a problem of us, the author believed that using the advanced modern educational technology in higher vocational education is a practical way.


  • The field of educational technology should continue to develop as a science in which theories are tested against data.


  • The rapid development and wide application of information technology provide favorable conditions for the development of modern educational technology.


  • Educational technology is not just another option or an assisting tool in education.


  • I am also quite impressed with the rate of adoption of these metadata technologies by vendors of educational technology.


  • Fifthly, the new definition is sensitive to the standards for the accreditation of university programs preparing teachers and specialists in the educational technology field.


  • As a paramount basis of contemporary educational technology, computer network serves as a focus in teaching resources development and application.


  • Mobile learning, another new learning form following digital learning is a new hot spot in the research domain of Educational Technology.


  • Modern educational technology is the breach of modern educational reform.


  • Educational technology training is one of effective measures to improve teachers information literacy and capability.


  • The new humanistic meaning of "Reading, Writing, Arithmetic" is especially important to educators working at educational technology, for culture is a bridge between technology and education.


  • This article elaborates the importance of educational technology in education, and puts forward several views on accelerating the development of educational technology.


  • In chapter five, how to realize the unification of modern educational theory and modern educational technology, by using the multimedia technics in themodern teaching mode, is discussed.


  • Based on the analysis of the present situation of universities' educational technology management, the article points out some existing problems, and then provides solutions and strategies.


  • It talked about how to do it in the conventional teaching, in the Research Study, in the review for examination along with how to use the modern educational technology to integrate.


  • This thesis thinks that the educational technology theories, the constructivism study theories and the second language acquisition theories are the theories foundation of the multimedia appl.


  • As an important stage of educational technology, the emphasis on theory and practice of the undergraduate training has been the subject of academic debate.


  • In this paper, the use of modern educational technology in sergeant teaching is discussed from the application of multimedia courseware and multimedia network teaching.



fabrication process 制作工艺;制作过程;制备工艺

recht 雷希特

unimagined adj. 从未设想过的;没有想到过的;难以想象的

inflexibly adv. 不屈地ˌ执拗地

lack of attention 缺乏关注;缺乏注意;缺乏重视

hijacker n. 强盗;抢劫者;劫机者;劫持犯

do re mi do re mi

quite a bit phr. 很多;相当多;相当数量;相当大;较大程度的;非常;颇为

shirt dress n. 衬衣式连衣裙

high impact 高度影响;高冲击