(of a tree or plant)at the stage of producing fruit
Sugar occurs naturally in fruit.
Ethylene is the natural plant hormone in fruit that makes them turn ripe, apparently.
In fruit mature period, muskmelon had higher biomass in organic production system, but there was no significant difference on market yield in both systems.
There is no apparent disease in fruit bats.
High in fruit and vegetables, the diet also USES beans, breads and cereals.
High in fruit and vegetables, the diet also USES beans, breads and cereals.
The third study examined a specific nutrient, a sugar called fructose that is abundant in fruit.
No, not in fruit juice - which is often high in sugar and stripped of the fruit's fiber - but in a smoothie.
Not only are most fruit juices loaded with sugar, they've been stripped of an important element found in fruit - fiber.
Carotenoids are commonly found in fruit and vegetables such as yellow and red peppers, spinach, apricots and melons.
As he moved towards a tree in fruit, a dragonfly flew past at eye level; he paused to watch its flight before slowly moving on.
But although researchers have had some success in fruit flies, nobody has been able to get a gene drive system going in mosquitoes.
In order to make the nation’s 60th birthday less deadly than Cixi’s 66th, drivers would do well to make their toasts in fruit juice.
If you arrive home late, avoid caffeine and alcohol, eat a light and healthy meal rich in fruit and vegetables. This will help you sleep better.
Our diet also tends to be too high in fat, sugar and salt, and too low in fruit and vegetables that contain fibre and essential vitamins and minerals.
In addition, water percolating down from the pond has recharged his well and also irrigates a lush new garden rich in fruit and vegetables that he sells.
For example, diets rich in fruit and vegetables, which contain immune-system boosting micronutrients, enhance the body's natural defenses against infectious disease.
They tested this idea in fruit flies by using genetic engineering to enhance or repress the activity of Rac in the parts of the flies' brains associated with short-term memory.
The health-benefits of pomegranate have focussed almost exclusively on the pulp and juice of the fruit, most notably in fruit form although extracts are also gaining increasing attention.
A colleague's presentation on how nerve cells in fruit flies take on different jobs struck computational biologist Ziv Bar-Joseph as being very similar to a distributed computing problem.
一位同事就果蝇神经细胞的不同分工做了报告,其中指出果蝇神经细胞的分工与分布式计算相似,这一发现让计算机生物学家Ziv Bar - Joseph着实感到吃惊。
(of a tree or plant)at the stage of producing fruit