All right, guys. We've got one shot at this.
《Toy Story 3》《玩具总动员3》
There's a lot of money riding on this, Will. You only get one shot. One shot is all I need.
《Rise of the Planet of the Apes》《猩球崛起》
Well, you see, the thing is, we only got, we kinda have one shot.
《Friends Season 4》《老友记 第四季》
There is only one shot at this. Everyone at the same table. What about Frank?
《House of Cards Season 4》《纸牌屋 第四季》
Now, you only get one shot to blow that audience away, so choose carefully from the list of songs I've selected for each of you.
He killed her. One shot through the head.
Kevin. You give me one shot here on a blue chip stock like Kodak, and believe me, Kevin, the only problem you're gonna have is that you didn't buy more. Sound fair enough?
Kevin只要你给我个机会投到像柯达这样的蓝筹股,相信我 Kevin,你日后只会问自己当初怎么没有多买一些,听起来可以吗?
《The Wolf of Wall Street》《华尔街之狼》
He had only one shot at goal.
The gun misfired after one shot and jammed.
In one shot, standing on a runway in the dark, Chávez points to a building where he was imprisoned during a coup and where some of his men lost their lives.
The Dragons had only one shot on goal.
He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.
《One Shot》是林俊杰第十张个人专辑《因你而在 Stories Untold》中的英文歌曲,由林俊杰作曲,林俊杰/Mike Chang作词,王力宏小提琴特别演奏,于2013年3月13日,由华纳音乐正式发行。
韩国男子组合B.A.P的第二张韩语迷你专辑同名主打《One Shot》。后于2013年11月13日发行的第2张日文单曲《ONE SHOT》中收录其日文版。