This will load a handful of default Settings, if it's your first time using the software, or it'll preload your old environment if you've used Chrome OS on another machine.
That is, start with the default WebSphere Application Server settings and then let the load test guide you in terms of which other extensions might need to be implemented.
也就是说,开始时采用缺省的 WebSphere Application Server 设置,然后由负载测试指导您可能需要实现其他哪些扩展。
Now you need to load in the newly updated sysctl settings from the default file /etc/sysctl.conf. Issue the following command to do this
现在需要从缺省文件 /etc/sysctl.conf 中载入刚刚更新的 sysctl 设置。
Project failed to load. Default Settings will be used to create the project.