the old man's thin, bony shanks showed through his trousers .透过老人的裤腿可以看见他瘦骨嶙峋的小腿。
the lower part of an animal's foreleg
this part of an animal's leg as a cut of meat
the shaft or stem of a tool or implement, in particular
a long narrow part of a tool connecting the handle to the operational end
the cylindrical part of a bit by which it is held in a drill
the long stem of a key, spoon, anchor, etc.
the straight part of a nail or fish-hook
a part or appendage by which something is attached to something else, especially a wire loop attached to the back of a button
the band of a ring rather than the setting or gemstone
the narrow middle of the sole of a shoe
【高尔夫】 用棒杆弯头击(球)
I shanked a shot and hit a person on a shoulder .我用棒杆弯头击出了球,却打到一个人的肩上。
"Old English