He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
MultiChess is a real-time chess tournament between thousands of players over the world.
When she went to college, in the school organization of the chess tournament prize, bring home to a trophy.
The NWCS "Triple Crown" chess tournament finishes this week. The winners from each catagory will receive trophies. For details of the tournament, please contact Mr. Ifay Zhang directly.
北威中文学校的棋艺比赛将继续举行﹐详细比赛细节请向棋艺课张一飞老师联络。 各组优胜者将得到奖杯。
Across a wide range of fields, it seems to require at least a decade of dedicated practice and training to produce world-class performance, like winning an international chess tournament.
One person must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
But I was a nerd when it wasn’t a buzzword yet. I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.
The tournament, which kicks off this Monday, pits the greatest living chess player in a single match against all comers on the Internet.
Susan Polgar and the Polgar chess center are organizing and sponsoring a Category 10 GM tournament in Queens, New York June 18-26, 2001.