An example of a dynamic parameter is a session ID.
动态参数的一个示例就是会话 ID。
Session ID hijacking cannot completely be prevented;
Session ID hijacking can be a problem with PHP Websites.
Just a number in the NAME column is the session id since memory pools for a session are tracked by session id.
NAME 列中的数字是会话 ID,因为会话的内存池是按会话 ID 跟踪的。
That is, if a request is made with a session ID that has expired, a new session is started using the session ID supplied with the request.
也就是说,如果以逾时的工作阶段 ID 提出要求,则会使用该要求所提供的工作阶段 ID 启动新的工作阶段。
Lising 2: Generation of a session specific caching key based on the session id.
清单 2:根据会话 ID 生成特定于会话的缓存键
The getKey method constructs a cache key which includes the custom application key and the session id.
getKey 方法构造了一个缓存键,它包括自定义应用程序键和会话 ID。
You should also avoid displaying truly sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, to a user who has only been validated by session ID.