But I just need some advice on my cash budget.
Which one of the following items should be considered when developing July's cash budget?
请问当编制7月份的现金预算时,下面的哪一项是应该考虑的? a。
The main points in of cash budget control consist of prediction of cash flow, early warning management, cash budget check.
This thesis analyzes current problems existing in corporate cash budget management, investigates the reasons and furthermore proposes how to enhance the corporate cash management.
The income statement, the capital expenditures budget, and plans for raising cash and paying debts provide information for the cash budget, which feeds into the budgeted balance sheet.
现金预算是反映预期内企业现金流转状况的预算。这里所说的现金,包括企业库存现金、银行存款等货币资金。编制现金预算的目的是合理地处理现金收支业务,调度资金,保证企业财务处于良好状态。它包括以下内容:(1) 现金收入。包括期初现金结存数和预算期内预计现金收入数,如现金销售收入、回收应收帐款、票据贴现等。(2) 现金支出。指预算期内预计现金支出数,如支付材料采购款,支付工资,支付制造费用、管理费用和销售费用,偿还应付帐款,交纳锐金,购买设备等,(3) 现金的多余或不足。现金收支相抵后的余额,若收大于支,表示现金有多余,可用于偿还贷款,购买短期证券;若收小于支,表示现金不足,需设法筹资、融资。如果资金不足,就要向银行借款,或发行短期商业票据以筹集资金,以及还本付息等。