时间: 2024-04-20 04:49:28
英 [pləˈtuːnz]
美 [pləˈtunz]

n. 一组;排;团;(platoon的复数)

  • Troopers were organized into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, and legions.


  • Everywhere: behind them had been left companies, squads and platoons to organize guerrilla warfare.


  • Transport: Schemes to get cars to travel in "platoons", like the carriages of a train, are making slow progress.


  • Platoons of on-message spokesmen are available to foreign reporters in Israel at all hours of the night and day.


  • As airpower took over, thunder and lightning lit up the sky while the two platoons forded the river and climbed up to the Korengal Outpost.


  • The six platoons of bubbles might lose down at the same time, therefore, Garfield has to run here and there, jump up and down to get them.


  • Gaps between platoons are opportunities to serve flows in other directions, and this local coordination naturally spreads throughout the system.


  • Transport: Schemes to get cars to travel in "platoons", like the carriages of a train, are making slow progress. They face more than just technical obstacles.


  • “Best thing is for us to be a family, take care of each other, ” he said. “It’s five months in and we have five K.I.A.’s, couple platoons worth of Purple Hearts.


  • "Best thing is for us to be a family, take care of each other," he said. "It's five months in and we have five K."I.A. 's, couple platoons worth of Purple Hearts.


  • This week there was an outcry among volunteering groups, who say that the funds they need in order to organise the little platoons of the willing are being withdrawn.


  • An optimal traffic signal splits in isolated intersections is presented, the optimal ratio of green are determined by searching the minimal average queuing platoons.


  • The idea is that by joining platoons as they snake along motorways under the control of a professional lead driver, motorists will be able to sit back and enjoy the ride.


  • An ultimate goal in traffic regulation is "the green wave," the bam, bam, bam of greens that allows platoons of vehicles to move smoothly through intersection after intersection.


  • WITH a police bomb squad present, armour-plated cars for many speakers, platoons of bodyguards and enough firearms to quell an insurrection, “Trame” (“Plots”) was an unusual literary festival.


  • Under the contract, ITT will help boost command and control capabilities for Iraqi signal platoons and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance battalions, the Defense Department said this week.



carping adj. 挑毛病的,吹毛求疵的。vi. 吹毛求疵;挑剔;找茬;(carp的现在分词)

residence building 居住房屋;住宅建筑;居住建筑

phg 磷酸乙二醇异羟肟酸

something is wrong 有些不对劲

varg 瓦尔格

distribute information 分发信息;传播信息

phoney war 假战争;假打时期

till now 至今;直到现在;直到如今

unfeelingly adj. 无情地; 无感觉的

luckier adj. 更加幸运的;更加运气好的;更加侥幸的;更加带来好运的;(lucky的比较级)