Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities.
Synthesize triazine compounds from metformin which is the prime material. 7 triazine compounds have been synthesized.
When you can see white midsole material poking through the outsole or when the sole under the heel looks crushed, the shoes are long past their prime.
The Tory party's official anti-AV campaign material makes no mention of the Lib Dems, and the prime minister is thought to have leant on the independent “No to AV” campaign to lay off them, too.
托利党的官方“反选择投票制”活动材料中没有提及自民党; 而这位首相自己也倾向于“反选择投票制”的独立运动,要求放弃这一制度。
Unpromising material, but then France's dame or homme DE fer does not need to be quite as ironclad as the former British prime minister.