But critics say the policy contradicts recommendations by many health experts.
But Mr. Kissinger's story on how the border conflict came to be is interesting in its own right, given that it sharply contradicts the popular Indian version of itself as the aggrieved party.
The paper contradicts this by saying recent research using more robust methodologies has demonstrated a link and that a 10% fall in officers could lead to a 3% rise in property crime.
But it is also true that in certain situation body action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what nonverbal communication communicates.
But never mind: Mr. Perry and those who think like him know what they want to believe, and their response to anyone who contradicts them is to start a witch hunt.
That directly contradicts research published in the same journal last week which suggested that people who slept for ten hours or longer a night were more likely to live to 100.
When you continuously try to see in your mind’s eye some big goal, that contradicts with your current conditioning and it sets up a very uncomfortable vibration in you.
Laurent: Complexity? Is that what you call going off on tangents and including completely irrelevant information? Half the time the end of the story contradicts the beginning!
His tweeting is no joke: he undermines and contradicts his officials without warning, and makes reckless threats against Kim Jong Un, whose paranoia needs no stoking.
People typically look for things that confirm their existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts what they already think. This is known as expectation confirmation.