less technical term for
〈非技〉 同<Bold>APOPTOSIS</Bold>.
n. 编程性细胞死亡
A subsequent analysis of the molecule revealed it to be an inhibitor of apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
Programmed cell death (PCD) during endosperm development of cereal seeds mainly occurs at late maturation of seeds, and consequently there are the cessation of biosynthesis and natural drying.
It is the key factor regulating programmed cell death in pathogen, evocator and hormone responses.
It is thought that clumps of alpha-synuclein accumulate because brain cells cannot remove them through autophagy – a type of programmed cell death.
Programmed cell death(PCD) is a cell death process that is a normal part of the life cycle of a multicellular organism.
Processes such as cell maintenance, uncoupling, Programmed Cell Death (PCD), starvation, and predation are reviewed, and state-of-the-art information about these processes is summarized.
Cancer cells have multiple ways to avoid apoptosis, programmed cell death the means by which organisms deal with defective cells.
Conclusion The changes of the ultrastructure of HCC treated by diamminedichloroplatinum correspond with the procedure of programmed cell death.
To develop into memory cells, B cells have to survive the natural process of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, that occurs following a large immune response.
Cell apoptosis is an autonomic ordered programmed cell death in order to maintain homeostasis, which is controlled by serial genes.
There are two morphologically distinctive forms of programmed cell death, apoptosis and autophagic cell death.
In both plant and animal cells that undergo programmed cell death, the protein TUDOR-SN is broken down.
Apoptosis is a programmed cell death that is regulated by genes.
This article reviewed the SCCA expression in tissue and body fluids, it′s relationship with programmed cell death and many kinds of SCC.
Programmed cell death mediated by a process termed 'apoptosis' is the physiological cell death that occurs during embryogenesis, metamorphosis, normal tissue turnover and homeostasis.
Allium fistulosum; Allium cepa; tubular shaped leaf; programmed cell death.
Exposing cells to excessive oxidation causes them to experience programmed cell death called apoptosis.
Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
Apoptosis is the capacity of a cell to undergo programmed cell death, which involves many cellular biochemical events.
Objective To investigate the association of the programmed cell death (PCD) regulating proteins with the acute transformation of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
By comprehensive analysis, that there was programmed cell death during leaves senescence in Malus can be deduced.
Apoptosis is a process of the programmed cell death . It is the most important process and is controllable.
Programmed cell death (PCD) during tapetum degeneration in postmeiotic anthers is critical for the proper development of male gametophytes in flowering plants.
概念: 细胞 程序死亡(programmed cell death, PCD)也常常被称为 细胞凋亡,是 生物体发育过程中普遍存在的,是一个由 基因决定的细胞主主动的有序的死亡方式。具体指细胞遇到内、外 环境因子刺激时,受 基因调控启动的自杀保护措施,包括一些分子机制的诱导激活和 基因编程,通过这种方式去除体内非必需细胞或即将发生特化的细胞。 而细胞发生程序性死亡时,就像树叶或花的自然凋落一样, 凋亡的细胞散在于正常组织细胞中,无 炎症反应,不遗留瘢痕。死亡的细胞碎片很快被 巨噬细胞或邻近细胞清除,不影响其他细胞的正常功能。 和 细胞坏死的区别(对比表格见http://www.cella.cn/book/15/02.htm) 凋亡细胞的主要特征是(参见表15-2):① 染色质聚集、分块、位于 核膜上,胞质凝缩,最后核断裂,细胞通过 出芽的方式形成许多 凋亡小体(图15-4);②凋亡小体内有结构完整的 细胞器,还有凝缩的染色体,可被邻近细胞吞噬消化,因始终有膜封闭,没有内溶物释放,故不会引起炎症;③凋亡细胞中仍需要合成一些蛋白质,但是在坏死细胞中 ATP和 蛋白质合成受阻或终止;④核酸 内切酶活化,导致染色质 DNA在 核小体连接部位断裂,形成约200bp整数倍的核酸片段, 凝胶电泳图谱呈梯状;⑤凋亡通常是生理性变化,而细胞坏死是病理性变化。 理论意义: 程序性细胞死亡在生物发育和维持正常生理活动过程中非常重要.在发育过程中,细胞不但要恰当地诞生,而且也要恰当地死亡。例如,人在胚胎阶段是有尾巴的,正因为组成尾巴的细胞恰当地死亡,才使我们在出生后没有尾巴.如果这些细胞没有恰当地死亡,就会出现长尾巴的新生儿.从胚胎、新生儿、婴儿、儿童到青少年,在这一系列人体发育成熟之前的阶段,总体来说细胞诞生得多,死亡得少,所以身体才能发育.发育成熟后,人体内细胞的诞生和死亡处于一个 动态平衡阶段,一个成年人体内每天都有上万亿细胞诞生,同时又有上万亿细胞“程序性死亡”.两者处于一种动态平衡中,使 人体器官维持合适的细胞数量得以正常运作的,正是“程序性细胞死亡”机制。(又如蝌蚪尾的消失,骨髓和肠的细生物发育过程中及成体组织中正常的细胞凋亡有助于保证细胞只在需要它们的时候和需要它们活的地方存活。这对于 多细胞生物 个体发育的正常进行,自稳平衡的保持以及抵御外界各种因素的干扰方面都起着非常关键的作用。) 实践意义:如果调节细胞“自杀”的基因出了问题,该死亡的细胞没有死亡,反而继续分裂繁殖,便会导致有问题或恶性细胞不受控制地增长,比如癌症;如果基因错向不该死的细胞发出“自杀令”,不让之分裂繁殖,使不该死亡的淋巴细胞大批死亡,便破坏了人体的组织或 免疫系统,比如艾滋病。 控制“程序性细胞死亡”的基因有两类:一类是抑制 细胞死亡的;另一类是启动或促进细胞死亡的。两类基因 相互作用控制细胞正常死亡。如果能发现所有的调控基因,分析其功能,研究出能发挥或抑制这些基因功能的药物,那么人类就能够敲响癌症和艾滋病的 丧钟。当然,这个过程需经过一番艰苦努力,因为线虫只有959个细胞,而人体则有大约1000万亿个细胞。 2002诺贝尔: 悉尼·布雷内、 罗伯特·霍维茨和 约翰·苏尔斯顿用线虫作生物研究对象,排列出了线虫 基因图谱——第一个动物基因图谱,找到了可以对细胞每一个分裂和分化过程跟踪的细胞图谱,指出 细胞分化时会经历一种“程序性细胞死亡”的过程,并确认了“程序性细胞死亡”过程中控制基因的变化状况,发现线虫中控制细胞死亡的关键基因,并描绘出了这些基因特征,揭示这些基因在细胞死亡过程中怎样相互作用,并证实了人体内也存在相应基因,这就打开了探究 人体细胞分化和演变的大门。为此,这三位科学家荣获2002年 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 http://www.cella.cn/book/15/02.htm http://www.yckjw.gov.cn/Context.asp?id=1572
less technical term for
〈非技〉 同<Bold>APOPTOSIS</Bold>.
And what they find is a single-point mutation in a gene responsible for controlling programmed cell death.
《TED: Genomic revolution》《TED:欢迎进入基因革命时代》
So the theory is that he's having some immunological reaction to what's going on to the food essentially, right, and that's a natural reaction, which causes some programmed cell death.
《TED: Genomic revolution》《TED:欢迎进入基因革命时代》