apply a substance such as oil or grease to (an engine or component) so as to minimize friction and allow smooth movement
remove the nut and lubricate the thread 取下螺母并在螺纹上加润滑剂
[as adj.
lubricating ]lubricating oils .润滑油。
make (something) slippery or smooth by applying an oily substance
〈喻〉 使(进程)顺畅,促进
the availability of credit lubricated the channels of trade .信贷的使用使贸易渠道更为畅通。
〈喻〉 灌…酒;以酒为…增兴
men lubricated with alcohol speak their true feelings .男人在有醉意的时候会讲出他们的真实感受。
"early 17th cent.: from Latin