The Beidou navigation Satellite System has become the third GNSS applied in international navigation.
Sun Jiadong, Chief Designer of Beidou Navigation Satellite System said "The main feature of Beidou is that it can deliver messages."
The building up of Beidou navigation satellite system developed by China offers a new option of the time service for synchronization phasor measurement.
In the proposed schemes, the redundant configuration of grandmaster clock using Beidou navigation satellite system, GPS (Global Positioning system) and atomic clock is discussed.
Experts said China is establishing the Compass navigation satellite system on the basis of the Beidou satellite navigation experimental system.
北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System)是中国自行研制的全球卫星导航系统,也是继GPS、GLONASS之后的第三个成熟的卫星导航系统。 其由空间段、地面段和用户段三部分组成,可在全球范围内全天候、全天时为各类用户提供高精度、高可靠定位、导航、授时服务。 2023年12月26日,中国在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射第五十七颗、五十八颗北斗导航卫星。