时间: 2023-09-14 14:56:32
英 ['dʒʌstɪn]
美 ['dʒʌstɪn]

n. 贾斯廷(男子名)

  • Justin felt jet-lagged after his trip.


  • I bet Justin feels tired after his trip.


  • Say what you will about Justin Bieber, but he's got an amazing voice!

    不管你怎么看 Justin Bieber,他的嗓音真不错!

  • Let’s skip those since Justin will be joining us. Organs freak Americans out.


  • Justin Timberlake's new single "Can't stop the feeling." It's a great summer hit. Wanna listen?

    Justin Timberlake的新单曲Can’t stop the feeling。很好听的一首夏日热门歌曲。想听听吗?

  • Justin Trudeau, leader of Canada's Liberal Party, was re-elected to a second term as Prime Minister.


  • Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber music tours

    Ariana Grande,Justin Bieber巡回演唱会

  • A day later, Justin Bieber announced a new album and tour for 2020.

    一天后,Justin Bieber宣布2020年推出新专辑,巡回演唱会正在筹备中。

  • Justin Bieber breaks Elvis's record


  • Musician Jon Batiste led the pack with 11 nominations, followed closely by Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish.

    音乐家Jon Batiste以11项提名领跑,Justin Bieber和Billie Eilish紧随其后。

  • Justin Bieber wants to fight Tom Cruise

    Justin Bieber约战Tom Cruise

  • The sudden interruption stopped Justin in mid-sentence.


  • To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperberg's undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch.


  • His middle name is Justin.


  • Justin Bieber made his new haircut public on Feb. 21.


  • Watch! Justin Bieber's fans break into his Argentina hotel!



黄明昊(Justin,2002年2月19日-),出生于浙江温州,中国内地男歌手、词曲创作人、乐华七子NEXT成员。 2017年4月,参加韩国选秀节目《Produce 101 第二季》。2018年在《偶像练习生》节目中,以第四名的成绩进入九人组合NINE PERCENT正式出道,后相继发行《Hard Road》《After Leaving》等多首原创歌曲;同年,获得亚洲新歌榜2018年度盛典最具人气组合。2019年起,担任《密室大逃脱》《遇见天坛》《了不起的长城》《元气满满的哥哥》等多部综艺常驻嘉宾。2020年9月成为《快乐大本营》12期常驻嘉宾。2021年3月参演电影《爱情神话》;同年4月4日,担任《极限挑战第七季》常驻嘉宾;4月8日,演唱系列短剧《理想照耀中国》主题曲《理想》。2023年3月9日,参加的综艺节目《奇妙之城2》在优酷播出。7月4日,主演的电影《沙漏》开机,在片中饰演路理。 2023年8月12日,参加的综艺节目《听说很好吃》定档在浙江卫视播出。

袁弘(Justin,1982年8月23日-),出生于湖北省武汉市,毕业于上海戏剧学院,中国内地男演员。 2002年参演个人首部电视剧《天下无双》而进入演艺圈。2008年出演电视剧《射雕英雄传》崭露头角。2011年出演电视剧《步步惊心》引发热议。2015年获得国剧盛典年度媒体特别推荐演员奖。2016年出演偶像剧《咱们相爱吧》获得好评。2017年凭借电视剧《秀丽江山之长歌行》获第22届华鼎奖中国古装题材电视剧最佳男演员奖。2018年其主演的年代传奇剧《远大前程》播出;12月28日,获第五届“中国电视好演员”表彰盛典优秀演员奖。2020年在播出的都市情感剧《生活像阳光一样灿烂》中饰演赵阳光。同年,参加的综艺节目《极限挑战宝藏行·三区三州公益季》第六期在东方卫视播出。2021年1月9日,主演的电视剧《上阳赋》播出,在剧中饰演贺兰箴。1月29日,主演的电视剧《玲珑》播出,在剧中饰演火屠辛。

  • Who's my favorite member of NSYNC? Justin.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 9》《生活大爆炸 第九季》

  • Wait. What are you talking about? My friend Justin.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Colin saw it through his camera. Justin, Justin must have seen the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick.


    《Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets》《哈利波特与密室》

  • Actually, I have to pick up my friend Justin from the airport.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Justin James has been the miller at Redbournberry for 15 years.


    《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》

  • Which is what I've made for Howard the farmer, and Justin the miller.


    《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》

  • So, Lisa tucks her hair up to a baseball cap, and we convince the grounds keeper that she's Justin Bieber and that Justin will take a picture with him. And it worked.


    《Modern Family Season 6》《摩登家庭 第六季》

  • It's your call, Justin. Okay, that one's gone. You look great, by the way. So great.


    《The Intern》《实习生》

  • Yeah. Really? It's wonderful, and I swear I'm not saying that because Justin Timberlake is in it.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 8》《生活大爆炸 第八季》

  • Who is this Justin? Your turn, Leonard. I told You about him. No, you didn't. Roll the dice, Leonard.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Justin Bieber got a hit and run, Chris Brown got a hit and run, Rihanna got hit and still didn't run.


    《2 Broke Girls Season 3》《破产姐妹 第三季》

  • I'm using Justin's freshly ground flour, made with Howard's wheat, to bake a loaf in the mill's own bakery.

    我要拿贾斯汀用霍华德的小麦磨出来的面粉 在磨坊的面包房里做一条面包。

    《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》

  • Daisy threw up again. Bucket loads. Bucket loads. Justin, this is my little brother Auggie. Hey, dude! Hey.



  • I'm combining 150 grams of white flour with 350 grams of Justin's rye flour, which will give the loaf a nutty taste.


    《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》

  • There you go. She has to pick up her friend Justin at the airport. And I can't play 'cause I'm going with her, right?


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • I'll just roll for you. Do you have a problem with Justin staying with me? What was your first clue? Uh oh! Industrial accident.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Mom's making... What's it called? Feijoada. Feij... Mom's making feijoada. It's Dad's favorite. You're welcome to stay if you want, Justin.



  • And Lisa gets caught up in it and takes off her shirt, And the grounds keeper's like, "Whoa, you're not Justin Bieber." So he starts chasing us around with a rake. I know!


    《Modern Family Season 6》《摩登家庭 第六季》

  • Like the ale I used to flavor the bread I made for Justin and Howard, this bread uses another by-product of brewing, malt extract, to give it sweetness and depth of flavor.


    《Baul Hollywoods Bread》《保罗教你做面包》


within an inch of 差点儿;贴近

have whiskers 古老;不再新奇

live-in adj. 寄住在雇主家的;居住的;与他人同居的;住宅的。n. 作为性伴侣与他人同居者;住家雇员

dialectical adj. 逻辑论证的;辩证的

run high 水满的, 高涨的, 水流湍急的;强烈, 剧烈

rehearsal room 排演室;排练室;排练场

dwarfing n. 侏儒;矮子。adj. 矮小的;相形见绌的。vt. 使矮小;(dwarf的现在分词形式)。vi. 变矮小;(dwarf的现在分词)

tenancies pl-n. 租赁;租用;(tenancy的复数)

variations n. 变种;变化;变异;变奏曲;(variation的复数)

walking into 走进