Perhaps even more striking than the advent of these ideas has been the acceptance of the axiomatic conceptual method of abstract algebra and its pervading influence throughout mathematics.
Hermann Weyl In these days the angel of topology and the devil of abstract algebra fight for the soul of each individual matehmatical domain.
A abstract algebra group composed of one element is the highest abstraction of the mathematical models researched in this paper.
《抽象代数》是2008年6月科学出版社出版的教材,作者是樊恽、刘宏伟。 该书以操作性较强的方式组织编排了供一学期抽象代数课程使用的内容,书中主要内容包括:关系、映射、变换、变换群、基础群论、环与域基础、因式分解、多项式、域扩张及其应用和主理想整环上的模等。 该书可作为师范院校、综合院校数学系的教材,也可供其他相关专业选作教学用书。