i'm not afraid
时间: 2024-05-27 13:37:37


  • Peter: Who's afraid? I'm not afraid.


  • I'm not afraid of the storm.


  • Bruce Wayne I'm not afraid of you.


  • I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!

    我不怕你, 还有别的牙医。

  • I'm not afraid of tigers or lions. I'm only afraid of the night.


  • Bella: I'm not afraid of you. I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're gonna disappear.


  • I want to make money. I'm not afraid to say it.


  • James: I'm not afraid of snakes, but I try to avoid them.


  • I have a white board eraser, and I'm not afraid to use it!


  • You are my warmth and my strength, I'm not afraid now.



基本内容\nEminem - Not Afraid I'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand I guess We'll walk this road together' through the storm Whatever weather' cold or warm Just let you know that' you're not alone Hola if you feel that you've been down the same road You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em But you won't take this thing out these words before I say 'em Cause ain't no way I'm let you stop me from causing mayhem When I say 'em or do something I do it' I don't give a damn What you think' I'm doing this for me' so fuck the world Feed it beans' it's gassed up' if a thing's stopping me I'mma be what I set out to be' without a doubt undoubtedly And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he's still shit and Whether he's on salary' paid hourly Until he bows out or he shit's his bowels out of him Whichever comes first' for better or worse He's married to the game' like a fuck you for christmas His gift is a curse' forget the earth he's got the urge To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe I'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together' through the storm Whatever weather' cold or warm Just let you know that' you're not alone Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road Ok quit playin' with the scissors and shit' and cut the crap I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap You said you was king' you lied through your teeth For that fuck your feelings' instead of getting crowned you're getting capped And to the fans' I'll never let you down again' I'm back I promise to never go back on that promise' in fact Let's be honest' that last Relapse CD was \ehhhh\ Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground Relax' I ain't going back to that now All I'm tryna say is get back' click-clack BLAOW Cause I ain't playin' around There's a game called circle and I don't know how I'm way too up to back down But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't This fucking black cloud's still follow's me around But it's time to exercise these demons These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now! I'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together' through the storm Whatever weather' cold or warm Just let you know that' you're not alone Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road And I just can't keep living this way So starting today' I'm breaking out of this cage I'm standing up' Imma face my demons I'm manning up' Imma hold my ground I've had enough' now I'm so fed up Time to put my life back together right now It was my decision to get clean' I did it for me Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you So I could come back a brand new me' you helped see me through And don't even realise what you did' believe me you I been through the ringer' but they can do little to the middle finger I think I got a tear in my eye' I feel like the king of My world' haters can make like bees with no stingers' and drop dead No more beef flingers' no more drama from now on' I promise To focus soley on handling my responsibility's as a father So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it You couldn't lift a single shingle lonely Cause the way I feel' I'm strong enough to go to the club Put a ??? and lift the whole liquor counter up Cause I'm raising the bar' I shoot for the moon But I'm too busy gazing at stars' I feel amazing and I'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together' through the storm Whatever weather' cold or warm Just let you know that' you're not alone Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road\n 美国时间4月29日上午,艾米纳姆(Eminem)新专辑《Recovery》的首支单曲《Not Afraid》在网上泄露。\n  单曲一经发行,2010年5月22日空降Billboard冠军,成为历史上第17首空降冠军单曲。\n  艾米纳姆本打算在这天早晨参加广播脱口秀《The Morning After With Angela Yee》并在节目中进行这支单曲的首播。但就在他参加节目的前几分钟,这支单曲已经出现在了互联网上供网友下载。之前纳姆的经纪人保罗·罗森博格(Paul Rosenberg)曾接受Billboard专访,表示《Not Afraid》是一支令人振奋的单曲,看来他没有撒谎。就泄露的歌词和曲调来看,单曲中的主人公对待生活比以前更加积极。在单曲的前奏部分以及最后的结束部分,纳姆反复唱到,“我不害怕,我要站起来,大家来拉我的手,我们一起走,走过风暴,不管天气如何,不论冷暖,你都不会孤独,如果你和我同路也叫我一声!”(I'm not afraid to take a stand / everybody, come take my hand / we'll walk this road together, through the storm / whatever weather, cold or warm/just to let you know that, you're not alone/Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road )单曲的中间过渡部分,也有很多乐观向上的歌词。纳姆表示,这支单曲所表达的也是他自己的观点。\n  《Not Afraid》收录在纳姆新专辑《Recovery》中,这张专辑将于2010年6月22日发行。

《I'm not afraid》是刘忻&姜潮合唱的一首歌曲,由刘忻作曲,刘忻、拖鞋、HK共同作词。2015年8月11日,该歌曲片段版作为电影《非你勿扰》的主题曲线上首发,12月3日,该歌曲完整版被收录入刘忻发行的单曲EP《hand in hand》中。

  • Don't be morbid, professor. I'm not afraid of death. I'm an old physicist. I'm afraid of time.



  • Come on, David. You are afraid of the water? I'm not afraid of the water. Right?


    《David Beckham: Into the Unknown》《大卫·贝克汉姆:探索未知之境》

  • Shere Khan! Shere Khan! I'm not afraid of you! No one has to be afraid of you any more!


    《The Jungle Book》《奇幻森林》

  • I love you, Belle. Don't be afraid. I love you too, Papa. I'm not afraid. And I will escape, I promise. What?


    《Beauty and the Beast》《美女与野兽》

  • Well, they might be very nice. I'm not afraid of them.



  • I'm not afraid. Besides, I've never seen a human up close. Come out!



  • It's the same way I'm not afraid of all steak knives, just the ones that might be plunged in my thorax.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》


traditional painting 传统绘画

alvarado 阿尔瓦拉多

pincer movement n. 钳形运动

on a visit to 去参观

mic n. 扩音器;麦克风;话筒

declamation n. 慷慨陈词;激辩;朗诵;演说;雄辩;吐字

braque 布拉克,乔治

collaborate with ... vphr. 合作;勾结

illest illest

final attempt 最后的尝试;最后的努力;最后尝试