Lady Liberty's got her panties in a bunch over this but rightfully so, because this Ramsey has created something interesting.
《Fast & Furious 7》《速度与激情7》
Ellis island is a small island only a mile away form Lady Liberty.
As huge in physical stature as Lady Liberty is, her stem, or base, is almost has big as she.
The statue, often called Lady Liberty, is 93 meters from the base of the pedestal to the tip of the torch.
Though we now think of Lady Liberty as having always been revered, at one time the statue had a stigma associated with it.
Because, no matter how great the view is from the crown of Lady Liberty, you don't want to wait in a long line to get there.
Including her pedestal and foundation, Lady Liberty reaches 305 feet; her index finger measures eight feet long, tipped by a 13-inch fingernail.
Bartholdi decided to make a copper statue in the image of a woman — Lady Liberty. High above her head, she would hold a torch of freedom to light the world.
As a way to raise funds to build a pedestal for Lady Liberty, for a small donation visitors could climb a staircase inside the statue and get a bird's - eye view of the festivities.
While our mothers were called to work for Lady Liberty, it is our duty, nay, obligation to reclaim our place in the home, bearing the children that will carry our traditions into the future.
Or, because no trip to New York is complete without seeing the Statue of Liberty, jump on the free Staten Island Ferry for a view of this enigmatic lady, Ellis Island and lower Manhattan.
In French, "liberty" and "justice" are each female, and thus the Statue of liberty is a female, and so is the blindfolded lady of justice in American courtrooms.
Charlie: OK, lady, God bless you, beautiful young lady. Take the liberty of asking you, can you tell me your name?