stream bank
时间: 2024-02-10 17:54:52
英 [striːm baŋk]
美 [strim bæŋk]


  • 87as you slowly walk down a green grassy bank and come to a little stream of bubbling crystal clear water.


  • This, along with the never-ending stream of news from the West Bank and Gaza, no doubt contributes to the popular notion of a Palestinian as someone who lives anywhere but Israel.


  • The trade surplus pours a steady stream of foreign-currency export earnings into China, funds the central bank buys up in exchange for local currency and holds in its official reserves.


  • A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back.


  • A bank that could look forward to a stream of fat profits in a sheltered market would be careful to lend prudently to avoid a bankruptcy that would destroy the franchise.


  • Say, for example, that a muskrat burrows herself a den in one bank of a stream.


  • He waded through the weeds on the bank and then into and across the stream.


  • She lay on the bank, listening to the ripple of the stream.


  • An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning.


  • The trade surplus pours a steady stream of foreign-currency export earnings into China, funds which the central bank buys up in exchange for local currency and holds in its official reserves.


  • Unstoppably I splashed across the stream to the bank by the road, touched bottom with my feet, then swam back into the middle again.


  • She leaped lightly to the opposite bank of the stream.


  • One knapsack with straps over both shoulders, tripod slung over his left shoulder 'by its leather strap, the. other knapsack in his right hand, he worked his way down the steep bank toward the stream.

    把一只有两根带子的背包背在双肩, 三脚架的皮带挂在左肩,右手拎着一只背包,通过陡峭的河岸向水边走去。

  • Nothing will make you feel more secure at work than having another stream of income, and it will help your bank account, too.

    工作时账户里还能增加额外收入? 再没什么能比这个更令人心安了吧?

  • Her tunnels make for a cozy home, but they also weaken the bank, which eventually begins to crumble and slump into the stream.


  • You could lose a safe revenue stream, sell off personal assets, close out bank accounts, or find that your self-esteem takes a painful hit that causes you to stop seeing yourself in a certain light.


  • Maobeituo landslide lies in the slope of southern bank of Longfeng Stream in Beibei District, Chongqing City with a volume of about 73.


  • The second stage is to close the left bank main river bed, divert the stream to the right bank open channel and build the spillway section in the mian river bed and the powerhouse on the left bank.

    二期工程围左岸主河床 ,右岸明渠 (建于一期 )导流 ,建主河床泄洪坝段及左岸电站厂房。


uneven adj. 不平坦的;崎岖的;参差不齐的;不规则的;不平均的;不稳定的;非势均力敌的

with the best will in the world 尽管已尽心竭力, 尽管真心愿意

flexion n. 弯曲;弯曲状态


flick knife 弹簧刀

per minute 每分钟;每分

destroying angel n. 鳞柄白鹅膏

wy n. 怀俄明州

echoing n. 呼应;回音;反照现象。vt. 重复;反射;(echo的现在分词)。vi. 发出回声;随声附和;(echo的现在分词)

lavage n. 灌洗;洗胃