a herbaceous plant or shrub with bold flower spikes and spiny decorative leaves, found in warm regions of the Old World
【建筑】 莨苕叶形装饰; 叶板(尤指用于科林斯柱的装饰图案)。
"via Latin from Greek
n. 老鼠簕属植物;爵床;莨苕;莨苕叶形装饰;叶板
Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, William, Morris.
The Corinthian capital is more ornate, with carved acanthus leaves and scrolls.
The Corinthian order, a later development, introduced lonic capitals detailed with acanthus leaves.
The book, released in September by Acanthus Press, follows a line of works about the first family's home.
Arcadia: a Supernal realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.
老鼠簕属(学名:Acanthus L. ),是爵床科、老鼠簕属植物,约30余种,分布于亚洲、非洲和地中海区,中国有4种,产于西南部和南部,其中老鼠簕属A. ilicifolius L. 等2种,为构成我国南部海岸红树林的重要成员之一。直立亚灌木;叶缘通常有锐刺状齿缺;花近无柄,蓝色或白色,排成顶生、稠密或间断的穗状花序;苞片卵形;萼片4,外面2枚较大;花冠管短,上唇退化,下唇大,短3裂;雄蕊4,花药1室,有毛;子房有胚珠4颗;蒴果长椭圆形或卵形。
a herbaceous plant or shrub with bold flower spikes and spiny decorative leaves, found in warm regions of the Old World
【建筑】 莨苕叶形装饰; 叶板(尤指用于科林斯柱的装饰图案)。
"via Latin from Greek