As a result, the stack may be overflowed by SYN flooding attack, which will cause the connection break off.
Code in either the consumer or the producer can change, but as long as the JMS messages stay consistent, the connection between the two of them won't break.
The connection will break and a reconnection will occur on the standby queue manager.
The initial lines of code obtain a connection to the production database, followed by a series of show status queries that let you calculate queries per minute and then break them down by type.
代码开始的几行获得到生产数据库的连接,接着是一系列 show status查询,让您计算每分钟的查询数,并按类型把它们分开。
As I mentioned in Disconnecting from my World, I decided to break free from my connection addiction and not use the computer or social media for 24 hours straight.