Oregon Trail
时间: 2023-09-18 18:19:48
英 [ˈɒrɪgən treɪl]
美 [ˈɔːrəgən treɪl]


  • Go on an historical exploration, such as traveling on a pioneer wagon across the Oregon Trail.


  • Their northern neighbours like to remind visitors of the famous fork (somewhere in today’s Idaho) in the Oregon Trail that led the wagon trains to the Pacific coast.


  • One of the most famous of these trails was the Oregon Trail, which led from the state of Missouri in the center of the country to the state of Oregon in its northwestern corner.


  • Today Portland is the largest city in the state of Oregon. The name of its NBA team honors the pioneers who traveled on the Oregon Trail.


  • Relive the adventures of migrating pioneers on the trail to the California Gold Rush in a new travel map based on the historic American period following the Oregon Trail.


  • Ties to the first Oregon Trail mobile game: Collect hints & tips from the previous party.


  • It also moved westward in covered wagons, and has been found at the end of the Oregon Trail, and in California and southern Texas, where it spread so widely that many Texans assumed it was a native.


  • A city of southwest Idaho on the Boise River west of Boise. It was built on the site of an Oregon Trail camping ground. Population, 8,400.


  • A city of southwest Idaho on the Boise River west of Boise. It was built on the site of an Oregon Trail camping ground. Population, 18,400.


  • A city of southwest Wyoming north of the Utah border. It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population, 19, 050.


  • A number of families even went as far as the Pacific coast, taking the Oregon Trail to areas in the Pacific Northwest.


  • This might seem odd for a city on the American West Coast that once was the terminus of the Oregon Trail and has a cowboys-and-rodeos heritage.


  • “On to Oregon.” This outdoor saga, written almost 90 years ago, is loosely based on the true story of the Sager family journeying by covered wagon in 1848, in the early days of the Oregon Trail.


  • My generation had The (original) Oregon Trail and Carmen San Diego.


  • Along the Oregon Trail you can still see the grave markers of those who fell on the way.


  • Independence, Missouri, the starting point of the Old Oregon Trail;


  • This scene in Bayard, Nebraska, would have been a common one for pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail in the mid-1800s in search of land and fortunes in gold.


  • An approx 5 mile trail race in Portland, Oregon, on the Wildwood Trail in Forest Park.

    在俄勒冈波特兰的约5英里小道赛跑,在 自然林上,森 林里的小道停车。

  • I was hiking along a trail in the Silver Falls State Park in Oregon with my soon to be boyfriend and as we rounded a curve, a breathtaking vista complete with a roaring waterfall came into view.


  • North of the Utah border. It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population, 19,050.

    罗克斯普林斯美国怀俄明州西南部一城市,位于美国犹他州边境以北。在19世纪60年代是贸易站和俄勒冈小道上的马车驿站。人口19, 好评(0)

  • Somewhere out there in the Far West, under the night and the shining stars and across the Great Plains, was the Lone Star Republic and the Oregon Trail.


  • Settlers who arrived here via the Oregon Trail once called it "Eden."


  • The dormant volcano, at 11,235 feet (3,424 meters) Oregon's highest peek, signaled journey's end for pioneers trekking west on the Oregon Trail.



a route across the central US, from the Missouri to Oregon, some 3,000 km (2,000 miles) in length. It was used chiefly in the 1840s by settlers moving west

俄勒冈小道(路线横跨美国中部,从密苏里到俄勒冈,长约3,000 公里,即2,000 英里,主要使用者是19世纪40年代西行的移民)。


thermal conductivity n. 热导率;导热性(率);导热系数

peace pipe 和平烟斗

encircling v. 包围;(encircle的现在分词)

in a blink 眨眼间;一瞬间

same idea 相同想法

squeak n. 短促的尖叫声;嘎吱声;只言片语。v. 发出刺耳声;嘎吱作响;勉强通过;侥幸成功;紧张(或激动)得尖声说;告密;告发

konjac n. 蒟蒻;魔芋

all that 所有这一切

watch out 小心, 提防

poirier 梨子