He is bent on discrediting his opponent.
It has also led to the discrediting of mainstream macroeconomics.
But at the end of the summer 1991, an alarm bell started to ring, discrediting the phenomenon.
I was a little perplexed, because it was a total threat, after all, to talk about the discrediting of us.
But, as the prosecutors who put Craxi on trial protested, it also means discrediting them and the judges who convicted him.
Discrediting is unfair allegation in industrial and commercial activities for the purpose of affecting other parties 'interests.
After Pan divorced Dong in 2012, rumors surfaced on the Internet that Pan was in debt, addicted to gambling and discrediting Dong.
Stigma is an undesirable or discrediting attribute that an individual possesses, thus reducing that individual's status in the eyes of society.
Do I believe Voyagers 2 or some hastily contrived new "revelation" created for the sole purpose of discrediting people, and furthering an agenda?
The Kremlin's main explanation for Mr Litvinenko's demise is to blame both it and the Politkovskaya killing on hostile forces bent on discrediting Mr Putin.
Moreover, Tencent to defend not taken at the time of the user in two difficult difficult decisions in a certain degree of discrediting themselves in user heart image.
Clinch examined as much evidence as possible and concluded that the twins were really born in the XVI century, discrediting both the popular tradition and Mr Hasted's study.
She decided to write a book discrediting the notion and proving that the ways in which we think about and construct the legal union between a man and a woman have always been in flux.
These failures caused the stimulus enacted in February 2009 to be botched in both in its design and its administration, resulting in the discrediting of deficit spending as a response to depression.