A similar deficiency accounts for the most common form of dichromatic color blindness in humans.
Some ordered macromolecular chains in polymer crystals were characterized by dichromatic line groups.
In this paper we define and analyze a number of color constancies based on dichromatic reflection model.
The Dichromatic reflection Model describes the color of the reflected light as a mixture of light from surface reflection and body reflection.
Some basic theorems, multiplicability and topological invariance of the extended V-functions as well as extended dichromatic polynomials are discussed.
词根 dichromat
dichroism n. [光] 二色性,[光][晶体] 二向色性
dichromat n. [眼科] 二原色视者,[眼科] 二色视者
dichromatism n. 二色性;[动] 二色变异