the part of a telephone apparatus contained in the earpiece, in which electrical signals are converted into sounds
a complete telephone handset
he picked up the receiver .他拿起听筒。
a piece of radio or television apparatus that detects broadcast signals and converts them into visible or audible form
a satellite receiver .卫星接收器。
a person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them
the receiver of a gift .礼品收受者。
(in tennis and similar games)the player to whom the ball is served to begin play
【美橄】 接球员。
〈主英〉 收赃人;窝赃者。
(〈英〉 亦作
the company is in the hands of the receivers .该公司已由破产管理人掌管。
【化】 接受罐,聚集器。
the part of a firearm which houses the action and to which the barrel and other parts are attached