Rescuers are ready to dynamite Tangjiashan barrier lake.
After two blasts, the level of the barrier lake decreased by a meter.
经过两次爆破, 堰塞湖 水位下降了一米。
Shiyan city, a city in northwest Hubei, a two-million square kilometer barrier lake has been formed by a massive landslide.
The mudslides occurred at around midnight in Zhouqu County, when the residents were asleep, and a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River at around 1 a.m.
The mudslides occurred at around midnight in Zhouqu County, when the residents were asleep, and a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River at around 1 a. m.
堰塞湖是由火山熔岩流,冰碛物或由地震活动使山体岩石崩塌下来等原因引起山崩滑坡体等堵截山谷,河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊。 堰塞湖的堵塞物不是固定永远不变的,它们也会受冲刷、侵蚀、溶解、崩塌,一旦堵塞物被破坏,湖水便漫溢而出,倾泻而下,形成洪灾,极其危险。