agricultural products
时间: 2023-05-05 12:53:54
  • The surging demand for crops that can be used as biofuels may be playing a part in cutting the supply of other agricultural products, as farmers switch land into the newly profitable grains.


  • With increasing its total production, green food's export also keeps rapid expanding and begins to become one of the light spot and hot spot of the agricultural products export trade of China.


  • The second lower basin would collect the liquid and sediment and the dredge pump would pump the soil soup back to the top to be used on agricultural products once again.


  • He noted that US exports to China are increasing rapidly, especially agricultural products, and China is expected to become the third largest export market of the United States next year.


  • In the future, Chinese agricultural products export to Korea will face greater obstacles. The policy must be transformed so as to expand exports and promote the transition of agriculture.


  • To cope with TBT in the international agricultural product trade actively and establish our own TBT system would be beneficial for the sustainable development of our country's agricultural products.


  • Yes, the task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products, and with this, the power to purchase the output of our cities.


  • From the provisions on the rights and obligations of agricultural producers of Quality and Safety Law of Agricultural Products, one of the important reasons is lack of rights.


  • An empirical study reveals that China's import of agricultural products has contributed to the growth of agricultural economy and the contribution has increased after China had entered WTO.


  • With the increased investment and financing functions of the futures of agricultural products, the market should become the strategic focus in the construction of the rural financial engineering.



platoon n. 排;一队;一组;两部制学校;同位替补的。v. 实行两部制

tractate n. 论文

antecede vt. 在...之前;先行;先前

in the fullness of time 到时候;在适当的时候;最终

liars 说谎者

raffled n. 废物;抽彩售货。vt. 抽彩售货;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 抽彩;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)

tethers vt. 拘束;(tether的第三人称单数)。n. 拴绳;极限;系链;限度;(tether的复数)

progressive wing 进步的翅膀

move in with 搬来和(现有居住者)同住

physical evidence 实物证据;物理证据;物证