any of a number of trees with brilliant red flowers, in particular
n. 花朵红艳的树木
We were standing by sliding glass doors that led to a veranda, over which a large flame tree spread its branches.
The jacaranda is an elegant deciduous tree. it resembles and requires similar growing conditions as the flame tree, and it has lavender flowers ;
The jacaranda is an elegant deciduous tree . it resembles and requires similar growing conditions as the flame tree , and it has lavender flowers ;
As I search for them, I see a downy woodpecker spiraling up a birch tree, its blaze of reds as sharp as a tongue of flame.
Strawberry ice in a tree, a tree like a red flame burning, and her loyalty is not a fire but the snow melted snow serves as contrast can be more holy.
凤凰木(拉丁学名:Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf.,别名:红花楹树),豆科凤凰木属落叶乔木。它分布于中国南部及西南部,原产于马达加斯加及世界各热带地区。 其高可达20米,树冠宽广,二回羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,夏季开花,总状花序,花大,红色,有光泽;荚果木质,长可达50厘米,种子20~40颗,横长圆形,黄色染有褐斑,花期6-7月,果期8-10月。它性喜高温、多日的环境,须在阳光充足处方能繁茂生长。
any of a number of trees with brilliant red flowers, in particular