(in the UK)an index of the variation in the prices of retail goods and other items
n. 零售物价指数
The retail price index is used as the main indicator of inflation.
Enter a minimum salary, retail price index, and guaranteed minimum salary for this external variable.
The retail price index registered a drop for the first time and stayed in negative territory ever since.
The positive research on price fluctuation in China takes the overall retail price index as the main indicator.
The rises come at time when many Londoners face a pay freeze and the retail price index is running at -1.4%, and on top of a 6% increase in fares this year.
在涨价政策出台的同时,很多伦敦市民正面临囊中羞涩的艰辛,零售物价指数更是达到了- 1.4%。而在此之前,公共交通费用今年已经上涨了6%。
零售物价指数(Retail Price Index),简称RPI。商品零售价格指数(Retail Price Index)是指反映一定时期内商品零售价格变动趋势和变动程度的相对数。商品零售价格指数分为食品、饮料烟酒、服装鞋帽、纺织品、中西药品、化妆品、书报杂志、文化体育用品、日用品、家用电器、首饰、燃料、建筑装潢材料、机电产品等十四个大类,国家规定304种必报商品,需要予以特别说明的是,从1994年起,国家、各省(区)和县编制的商品零售价格指数不再包括农业生产资料。零售物价的调整变动直接影响到城乡居民的生活支出和国家的财政收入,影响居民购买力和市场供需平衡,影响消费与积累的比例。因此,计算零售价格指数,可以从一个侧面对上述经济活动进行观察和分析。
(in the UK)an index of the variation in the prices of retail goods and other items