The malfunction of mechanism could make the traditional system get much tougher.
Each patient's follow-up time is 37.4% shorter than that using the traditional system.
It mainly reflects in a traditional system of education, relative subjects and extant teaching conditions.
The complexity of the modern market economy made the traditional system of creditors protection inadequate.
The masters, facing the betrayed from the retainers, innovated the traditional system and it provided the important source of the bureaucracy system in the Warring States times.
The multi tower structure with enlarged base is a kind of complicated structure system of which the aseismic design method is different from the traditional system considerably.
大底盘多塔楼结构是一种复杂结构体系 ,其抗震设计方法与传统结构体系有较大的不同。
According to the traditional system, the pointed heir must be the same clan. The person with different family name is not allowed to be the heir.
Compared with traditional system, an administrative department for justice closer to the primary legal service is easier to establish the people-oriented concept of correction.