[mass noun]the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power
fate decided his course for him 命运决定了他的人生轨迹
his injury is a cruel twist of fate .他的伤是命运的残酷捉弄。
[count noun]the course of someone's life, or the outcome of a particular situation for someone or something, seen as outside their control
he suffered the same fate as his companion .他遭遇了和同伴一样的命运。
[in sing.]the inescapable death of a person
the guards led her to her fate .狱卒把她送上了不归之路。
【希 腊神话,罗马神话】 命运三女神(掌管人生死的三位女神;每个人被看做一个纺锤,三位命运女神——克洛索,拉基西斯和阿特洛波斯——就会将人类命运之线绕在上面)。 亦称the <Bold>MOIRAI</Bold>和the <Bold>PARCAE</Bold>.
be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way
[with infinitive]
the regime was fated to end badly .该政权注定没有好下场。
a fate worse than death 见DEATH .seal someone's fate make it inevitable that something unpleasant will happen to someone 决定某人的命运,使无法逃避不快之事
"late Middle English: from Italian